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Hey :)Welcome to my simple blog . Hope you like it . Dislikes ? So ? Just go to this icon 'X' and 'click' okay ? Byebye . Oh let me introduce myself . My fullname is Siti Aisyah . You can call me Aisyah or Pendek for short . I'm sixteen this year . Woahh ! So fast getting older . Oh btw I'm Johorean ♥ Nice to meet you . Do visit do read do follow . Most thank you :)

Big bro :D

Selamat kembali :) Today i wanna talk about one person that i have known . The person is a boy okay . Budak college ye dherr . Dia baik , ambil berat , suka membebel , suka bagi semangat dll . Tapi kan dia niyh kalau membebel dekat aku mmg boleh jadi kaunsellor lah kan . haha seronok sangat . When i'm sad , he can chill me down . Dia suka bagi semangat . Budak college lah katakan so perangai pun macam budak college lah . dan dia sangat suka cakap 'PMR dah lepas tapi SPM belum lepas' . Elehh tau lah dia dah lepas segala''nya kan . Err sabar jelah . tapi budak college pun susah jugak . kene buat assignment lah presentation lah itu lah ini lah . kesiannya :( haha chill ye bro . Kbye readers :)
Thanks for reading . Muahh sikit :*