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Hey :)Welcome to my simple blog . Hope you like it . Dislikes ? So ? Just go to this icon 'X' and 'click' okay ? Byebye . Oh let me introduce myself . My fullname is Siti Aisyah . You can call me Aisyah or Pendek for short . I'm sixteen this year . Woahh ! So fast getting older . Oh btw I'm Johorean ♥ Nice to meet you . Do visit do read do follow . Most thank you :)

kem maths n science :)

DAY 1 

today ade kem maths n science . owg nk cuty tetibe boley pulak nk skola . haduiii . da lah bru abes exam pastu kene skola pulak tuh . hmm . bru nk rest rest dah ade skola . tp xpe lah ye lah kn this year PMR so msty lah byk program itu ini . kan kan ? eh eh da kol 6.46 a.m lah . mau pkai tdung dulu . byebyee .
Thanks for reading . Muahh sikit :*